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Doug Stanhope's Big Stink Comedy Tour

The 4th of July party started June 28th and finally wound to an end on July 10th with only one visit from the Bisbee police on a noise complaint when the band moved inside at 5 am. All apologies to the neighbors. Funny thing is I slept though the whole thing only feet from the amplifier. I musta needed it. Thanks everyone for coming. My hands are still a bit shaky and we haven't finished sorting out the wreckage or found Bingo's phone. We're considering moving the Super Bowl Party to Vegas this year to let them deal with all the bullshit and just enjoy the game.


Thanks for everyone who came down. I miss the fuck outta you guys.






My latest special "Before Turning The Gun on Himself" premieres on Showtime Friday, August 3rd. 

Set your DVR. Or wait an hour and wait for someone to put it online.

The audio version is available now digitally on Amazon if you can't wait or don't have Showtime. Or you can just steal it somewhere online. 

The DVD won't be released in the U.S. until November. But it's already out in the U.K. so you can probably just steal it online.

So long as you tell people about it. I kinda like this one except for my face and body of which I am not a fan.




Next, the Doug Stanhope Big Stink Comedy Tour launches in Chattanooga on Aug 7th. I don't know why we titled it that other than it's fun to title a tour. And we can probably unload some t-shirts. The first run will have Carlos Valencia and the Junior Stopka on board and then the September run will have Brett Erickson and Geoff Tate. The last couple years I've just been flying into towns, saying words and getting back on a plane. There's no fun in that. This tour is gonna be old school, bunch of drunk friends in a van, driving around the country and fucking off heavily. Probably not as healthy physically but a lot more fun.


Check the dates and get tix now. Will be adding more soon. Note that I'll finally be in Boston at the Wilbur November 17th. About fucking time.


The first three weeks are in the southeast. If you miss us, maybe you can catch Neil Hamburger, Todd Barry and Brendon Walsh on tour together at the same time down that way. That's a hell of a show as well. Their dates are at




Update. Bingo got crawling drunk on a mountain vacation in Pinos Altos, NM and somehow found her phone. Lost it in a blackout and found it in another state weeks later in a blackout. 


That Bingo. She's a pill.



I'm in Wolverhampton by Henry Phillips

Here's a special bonus. The great song that Henry Philips came up with on our UK tour.

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