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Here's What Happened...



I'll make this brief. I used to want to concoct this kind of attention but now it's almost like fish in a barrel.
I was on BBC Radio 5 Live with Richard Bacon a few days ago here in London. There is no BBC radio that I know of that resembles any kind of American terrestrial morning radio much less Howard Stern, etc. It all pretty much feels like an even more uptight, humorless version of NPR and I have resigned myself to play along and give boring, toothless interviews without jokes.
Richard Bacon seemed to appreciate that I wasn't throwing his career into disarray by forcing parts of my act in where it didn't belong. The problem with doing a straight interview on a station that appeals to the mainstream is that some of the listeners might actually come to your show having no idea what is in store and will be sadly disappointed or butt-hurt. Mr Bacon did his best to warn his people in a very English, passive-aggressive way by using 1000 big words to say I was very offensive.
As an aside, he said that if anyone didn't believe that I'm really that bad, they should find my Sarah Palin bit on YouTube. And then the polite, gentlemanly interview ended.
Now we get to a classic case of the blind leading the blind - or in this case the idiots leading the retarded. 
The following appeared on the home page of the Down's Syndrome Association of the UK:
DSA make official complaint following Richard Bacon's Radio 5 Live Show
- Friday, 05 August 2011 12:54
The Down's Syndrome Association is shocked that a BBC employee has publicised the work of a comedian which is nothing more than a vile offensive rant and conflicts with BBC guidelines which state a responsibility to 'protect the vulnerable and avoid unjustifiable offence'. 
During Richard Bacon's BBC 5 show yesterday afternoon he directed listeners to a video of Doug Stanhope discussing the son of Sarah Palin on YouTube.
The child was born with Down's syndrome and Mr Stanhope's comments about him were abhorrent.
As a public body the BBC should not be promoting the work of such an individual. Therefore the Down's Syndrome Association has logged an official complaint with the BBC.  We encourage everyone to do to the same using the link below -   
Well, guess what, fuck-mouth? I encourage my fans to contact that same link as well. 
If I were to dissect that piece of comedy, I could make very defensible points; that I was actually making satire of the personal attacks in political campaigns, or commenting on the attempts by some Republicans to bring god into politics, or any number of lesser arguments but the truth is that it was just flat-out shock humor meant to appeal to the most base part of my own personal sense of awful humor.
That is the same sense of humor that Richard Bacon repeatedly warned you about for your own good. Yet you still sought out the clip? Imagine if Richard Bacon had actress Sasha Grey as a guest, someone who is known for her cross-over from pornography. He warns the audience over and over that some of her x-rated work would be upsetting. You race to your computer to watch, then blame Mr Bacon and implore folks to file complaints saying that Richard Bacon was "directing" you to do so?
Do you see why you suck shit? You see why you are far more deserving of the moniker "retarded?"
I don't care if you come after me for things that I've said. You can obviously see that I don't give a fuck. Going after a presenter and the network for having a guest who once said something years ago that was vaguely alluded to? You are a cabal of cowards and self-important dim-wits and the authorities who you run to for muscle should be the same people that deem you unfit to care for those you purport to be defending.
In short, you are not fit to protect the retarded.
Oh... and go fuck yourself in the head. I'm pretty drunk and bored with yelling at the stone walls that are your minds.



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