Everything Must Go

14 hours of pulling out shit to get rid of and didn't make a dent. All this garbage you hold on to for sentimental value when finding it doesn't even make you vaguely reflective. Things that go to make up a life, those with large closets would say. |
Mystery Hole |
It's all going. Not only am I having a yard sale, but I will be having a virtual yard sale on eBay as well. This was a suggestion thrown out on the message board and it's a fine idea. Starting June 10th you can buy crap that has been filling up Rubbermaid tubs for years. It's yours. Bid away. The penis pump from the cover of Sicko? Been taking up space since 97. All yours. The jacket from the cover of Something to Take the Edge Off? Aint worn it since. Autographed Ginger Lynn movie and action figure. She gave it to me when I played her retirement bash. Cute then, now just one more thing sitting in boxes waiting to be moved again. |
Crates of video tapes I save for posteriety. I dont even know what that word means yet I've kept them. You want a video from 1998 from Loonees in Colorado Springs? Because I'll never watch it. Check eBay on June 10th. You may have to go to the adult section to get the weird stuff. I think I still have the inflatible buttplug somewhere. Makes a great graduation gift. (Sorry, the Rubber Fuck-My-Face got sent packing a long time ago but I still have the rubber vagina. And I'll be selling the autographed Dave Attell DVD just to annoy Dave.)
What do you want? Check back here on the 10th and I'll put up a list of what's on eBay.