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Yes, I Am.


Due to circumstances well within my control, my July 4th announcement was postponed until now, July 9th at 4:14 a.m.

As earlier stated, I will be running for the Presidency of the United States of America in 2008.

An unexpected outpouring of support from factions of the Libertarian Party has solidified my decision to run for the nomination as the Libertarian candidate.

I am as serious about this campaign as I am the material I present on stage. Don't let the comedy divert from the message.


Support Stanhope in '08!
Buy a Shirt.


I'd rather die laughing in the fight than suffer the lesser of two forms of forced sodomy.

We used to have fun, didn't we?

Stanhope in '08
Drunk with Power.

Stay Tuned.


I didn't exactly...



...say that Irish women are too ugly to rape but what I did say couldn't fit in such a beautifully succinct soundbite.

And, if all I had to say could have been summed up in so quick a sentence, the audience wouldn't have had the time to kill the point by booing.

Some of the things I said in Ireland I will repeat in this update. Boo if you like. It won't bother.


Kilkenny, Ireland is a quaint village that, to my understanding, is somewhere in Ireland. Perhaps it is even the quaintest town in Ireland. I was there for five days and I will tell you that quaint turns to boring faster than lust turns to shame once you ejaculate.

Quaint is good for writing a novel that is going to suck and nothing else. They say that if you're bored, it's because you are boring and I have no reason to say they are wrong. I realize on a daily basis that have very few interests at all. I found myself consciously trying to stop from complaining but I failed and it seemed every utterance was straight from the mouth of Mother.


Misery Loves Comedy

Ireland, as luck would have it, couldn't stop complaining either. They were what us city folk like to call "gone apeshit". It seems the news of the day - which turned into the news of the week and is still being milked as I type - had to do with a Supreme Court ruling that made for a small change in the statutory rape laws of the country.




Did you know...
In Ireland the Supreme Court decides civil and criminal matters. The Supreme Court - Civil Jurisdiction describes the civil matters that the Supreme Court decides. The Supreme Court - Criminal Jurisdiction sets out the present and future functions of the Supreme Court with regard to criminal matters.

As I understand it - it used to be that if you were convicted of banging someone under 17, you went directly to jail, no questions asked, even if you believed the person to be of legal age. The courts say that it was unfair not to let a defendant claim that it was an "honest mistake".

Being that the drinking age is 18 and that it is very common to have pubs serve those underage, this all seemed logical to me.

Problem was that - due to the court ruling - a convicted pedophile was released from prison pending a new trial and a few others were attempting to do the same. (Currently there are only 17 people in the entire country in prison for such crimes)

They called the released pedo "Mr A", a pseudonym given so that they might protect the identity of the accuser. "Mr A" was on the cover of all the papers shown with a sportcoat over his head and face as he was lead from the courthouse. The cover stories of those newspapers sent you to the 5 or 8 inside pages that covered the story or related stories until you thought that all of Ireland was under a seige of kid-fucking.

"No wonder this town is so peaceful and quiet. They're all inside the castle walls pooning the children."

Maybe you wouldn't think that but I will tell you who did. All of Ireland seemed to think it. Mass protests in the streets. They were all putting down their bottles and picking up their pitchforks - and then of course realizing they could hold their pitchfork in one hand and still bring the bottle.

I do not in any way distort or embellish the level of frothing hystrionics that enveloped this country. From the moment I stepped off the plane, you would have thought that rouge pedophile cells had flown hijacked planes into the asses of Ireland's innocent youth.


To my great fortune, this segued perfetly into my favorite new material. With all the Myspace/child predator fear-mongering over here in the U.S., it didn't take much coffee to make the two into one long rant about people's over-reactions and delusions to the risk of their child taking unwanted cock.

But I never actually said that Irish women are too ugly to rape. I did say - to Brian Hennigan as we walked down a quaint street from breakfast and looked at the ladies - that women this ugly should be lucky to get fucked at any age - but I never said it on stage.

I'd touched on the subject on the first show just using the current national crisis as a segue to previously written material. The audience fell stunned and silent so I went back to the drawing board and wrote even more about their specific situation.

This is where it really went downhill.

The next night I ventured - on the issue of one making an "honest mistake" and having intercourse with someone you beleived to be of legal age - was that most of the women there were such misshapen pigs, that if you actually were to fuck them, you would be more concerned about what species they were and that you wouldn't ever consider how old they were until days later when - still staring at it - you'd wonder "How long can one of these live?"

Now, maybe you think that's just the same as saying they are too ugly to rape and perhaps it is but I like my version better.

Keep in mind that this wasn't by any means the Crown Jewel of the chunk of material - it's just the one they are misusing in the press. One journalist called my hotel and asked if I'd said that Irish women are to ugly to rape and I replied "Yes, I guess I did say a way... but what I said was..." and then explained the bit. In her article she quoted the part where I said "Yes, I guess I did say that."

No press is bad press - unless you're the guy with the sportcoat over your head being lead from the courthouse.

Back to the show. The crowd went from squirrely to boisterous and bordering on violent before I saw them frantically giving me the light far earlier than my contractual obligation required.

To say I was booed off stage sounds exciting but - since there is no rulebook - I say that it was management that kowtowed to the booing. As my friend Basil White says - "I bathe in your hate" and I could have bathed all night. So long as they kept bringing me beer it would have seemed like fun to me. History is written by the winners or just as easily by the alcohol.

I was pulled from the two remaining showcase shows - shows featuring multiple comics - and had an extra solo show added. Those shows went fantastically. Thanks to those who came and made long jouneys to do so.

As for the mob that took offense, you need more risks in your daily life.

People who lead such drab and quotidian lives are easily swept into this brand of hysteria because - ugly or not - it gives them an outlet for their boredom. This is why they go apeshit when you make jokes about it. The media has given them an outlet for their rage - a rage brewed in living tedious lives of production and servitude with nothing but the lottery for hope. They love the idea that Mr. A might be lying in wait with a dripping boner just outside their playground. Start a lynch mob - even though Mr. A is hundreds of miles away, hiding under his bed from the hoards of paparazzi. And then some comic goes and deflates the balloon by pointing out that the threat is an invention of the media and really doesn't affect them and the comic becomes the asshole. Someone has started jacking them off and if you're gonna interrupt them, goddammit, you're gonna have to be the one to make 'em cum because that hard-on is already in the works.

If I come across like a smart-fuck who thinks he is better, it's not my intention. I beleive - right or wrong - that I am being more logical. And, if anything, that logic makes me even more hopeless than the apeshit masses themselves.

One more note -

I scrutinize my own genralizations more than anyone I know. That said - generally, the women I saw in Kilkenny of any roughly fuckable age were so oddly grotesque that I wish I could have photogrpahed them all to prove a point. Curd-white gooseflesh with a tinge of purple from the cool morning air, boxed asses falling cheekless into cartoon thighs with faces only poultry could love. A strong habit of too-tight shirts with over-stuffed bras that gave the appearance of a g-string over an adult diaper.

Pigs, more than not. I stand by it as did the two journalists that spoke to me by phone. The same lot that told you to be outraged at the start.

A New Cocksucker To Hate.

Like a lot of my gigs, I get an email saying "wanna play my club?" and if the money is right, I say yes. No contracts or bullshit - an email is as good as a handshake and it's rarely gone anything but well.

Rob Jenkins [ ] of the 8th Street Comedy Club in Odessa, TX emailed just like that in late December and we booked June 22-24.

Yesterday I just happened to check the club site to see I was no longer listed for those dates. I called and emailed but got no response.

Tonight I called the club and Rob answered. I asked him what was up with my week.

"Uh... what week?" He sounds like he is making accidental tinkle.

"June 22-24. Your website has someone else listed."

"Oh... I have you booked for July" he says and that's bullshit because their website doesnt have me there in July either.

I read him the email he'd sent confirming my booking.

There's a long pause as he looks for something to say and then - get this - he hangs up on me!

I call back immediately and it goes to voicemail. After blogging about it on Myspace, I get word from a comic friend that Rob had turned queer on the booking, thinking I wouldn't do well with his audience but he didn't have the undergarb to call to tell me. I guess he was gonna wait until I got to the club?

Fucking faggot. Any decent booker would have acted like he "accidently" double-booked it and that would be the end of it. At least they know the game of how to be scumbags.

I can't seem to get him on the phone to find out why he didn't tell me he wanted to back out or how he intends to make good on this financially. Maybe you can get him on the phone and find out the problem.

The club number is (432)366-5233.

The problem with grand acts of revenge is that they take patience. You want them to be creative, to have story value. You have to wait until your no longer angry to plot them and turn them into works of art. Otherwise, revenge is just wasted negative energy.


So, in the meantime, I will soothe myself by imagining Mr A travelling across the Atlantic in a steam ship, seeking refuge in the New Country. He will wander west across the great plains and eventually to the oil fields of West Texas where he will comfort himself in the welcoming bottom of Rob Jenkins child - who he finds squatting in the rotting garbage piled by the flat tires of the ex-Mrs Jenkins broken motorhome.

He will continue - in my imagination - to plunder her screaming innocence until her inner organs spill like gumbo from her lower holes and eventually lead to her being confined to a motorized chair, simple of mind due to sexually transmitted menengitis and coughing from the unrelenting smell of potato fammine rise is waves from her blistered snatch.




Well, I guess that's that.

It'll be a while but there will be future updates about this here situation with Rob. And it'll be worth the wait. Stay tuned.

No great story from Holland. Only had 24 hours in Rotterdam to film a television show, no time to get into trouble. Besides, all those things that are legal there are just as much fun and readily available here illegally. But I'll be back.

Update on Ireland's Mr. A and new sex crimes bill.



I am home for the first time since early February. Drove like a fleeing suspect 26 hours from St. Louis to get here and slept thru half of the time I will stay. I'm not complaining although I could. I like to complain. I like being miserable.

Notes from a wonderfully miserable three months -

St Lucie, Florida.

Jay Kirschner - or Jay Scribner as he will be known - flew from his trappings in Florida to celebrate his 50th birthday at my show in Tyson's Corner, VA.

He's an attorney. He has that kind of money and most of it is yours.

Drunk conversation leads to drunken emails and next thing I have agreed to perform at his house a few weeks down the road. In his living room. I couldn't find a reason this was not a very good idea.

Mr. Kirshner is a stout Jew - barrel-bodied with a penchent for sweatshirts with the sleeves cut off, leaving large holes to view his torso. He lives in a cul-du-sac in a gated community and keeps a small boat on the swamp-lake aside his house. I picture alligators waiting by the shore in the middle of the night like stray cats, waiting to see if Daddy will bring home another rolled-up area rug.

Jay's friends are mostly all in the same profession and now they are all in the same living room getting drunk on a Wednesday and looking at me. They are cops and they are prosecutors and they are defense lawyers, like Jay. I am looking back at them and imagining their clients in jail, clients with visions of their attorney hard at work - like Tom Cruise in 'A Few Good Men' - straining through the night to find that one clue, loophole or strand of DNA that will set them free at last.

The client would be dead wrong. His attorneys were pie-eyed, New Year's drunk at 8:45 and, after proving too wobbly-headed to listen to my show without constant interruption, are now following me and the rest down the cul-du-sac to go Christmas carolling in April.

"You want the truth? You can't handle the truth! The truth is I was so fucked up last night I puked in your case file."

I was out of my squash as well and as much as I promised I wouldn't, I eventually saw fit to tell a female cop and a prosecuter how I felt about the whole darn system. The cop had been my friend on the surface and didn't fall away until the end when I explained my theory on why it's perfectly okay to shoot a pig in the face in certain circumstances. (See Deadbeat Hero bonus footage)

You'd expect a lot worse from this night. You'd imagine that this crowd combined with my act and no witnesses on private property could have been far worse. But I had a great time and most of them did too, from what was remembered.

These folks are the hardest lot to offend. Lawyers, cops and judges will let you call 'em names all day and react no differently than a white guy does when you call him a honkey. He still has all the power. No need to be upset. Same with these folks. Why would they get angry when they own us?

It wasn't until I was on my way out that I realized I'd referred to Jay Kirshner throughout the show as Jay Scribner. I don't know why. But rather than look like a dick, I will call him Scribner from now on, as though it must be some inside joke that nobody gets.

I've retained Mr. Scribner on non-traditional terms and he's since proven a trusted collaborator when consulted on many projects even when not within his usual field.

Should you find yourself in Florida and in some trouble with John Law, contact Jay at his website

Our Lawyer:


Kirschner & Garland, P.A.
Board Certified Criminal Trial Lawyers
102 North 2nd Street
Fort Pierce, FL 34950
Tel: 772.489.2200
Fax: 772.489.0610

Ask for "Mr Scribner". I'm sure he will give you what sounds like an excellent deal.

Austin, TX


This picture - on a postcard with a pro-life screed on the reverse - found its way into my hands after a show at Club Deville.

Evidently, it's intent is to disgust you and scare you away from having an abortion. Evidently, you've never seen a picture of childbirth.

Make it natural childbirth and add audio and we'll see which one scares you to what decision.



At the bottom, Chet Kilgore leaves his address and phone number, along with his website - in case you want to order more of these precious cards.

The back describes how "shockingly painful" the fetus' death had been. Chet doesn't say how he knows that it was a painful death. I assume he just assumes. I would assume the opposite. I cramp up sleeping on a loveseat when I'm drunk. Nine long months in the "trying-to-blow-myself" position makes you believe nature anesthetizes you or you'd see more fetal suicide. Let's not mention the claustrophobic. *shivers*


Not only does Chet give his home number - this isn't the kind of business that requires a storefront with lots of foot traffic - but Chet answers that phone when you drunk dial! That's Christianity right there!

But I assumed that Chet has heard it all at this point so, for creativity's sake, I went the other way - kinda.

I chastised Chester violently by accusing him of being the "worst type of child pornographer known to man!".

As he stuttered, I reminded him that this picture was "a human being, not some piece of flesh" and that to show naked pictures of it was "attracting the worst type of child predator - pre-term, necrophiliac child molesters who are masturbating like Satanic apes at these murdered children's pictures!"

Mr. Kilgore sputtered like a cunt-fart, unable to tell me how this is anything but child pornography - obviously he can't say its not a child - and keeps falling back to his well-rehearsed arguments about how many unborn lives these pictures save. I question his motives for wanting these children to be born so badly - you know, him being a child pornographer and all.

I so wish I would have taped it.

So far as I know, Chet Kilgore is still taking calls in case you want to order more. Whatever your reason for wanting these pictures.

Chet Kilgore
n2693 Hwy Z G143
Dousman, WI 53118


I don't know if you can order specific types or if you can choose what position it poses in but maybe you could ask.

I wouldn't suggest you record it or even send me a recording to post here. I wouldn't suggest that since I woke up my attorney Mr. Scribner in the middle of the night to inquire. He said I shouldn't go and suggest you call and pant like a horse while you ask when boy fetuses develop ding-dongs or if a fetus can feel a spanking with a hairbrush. So I haven't.

Thanks, Mr. Scribs!

Funny Post-script - If you Google Image search 'Chet Kilgore' - you get the same picture of the dead fetus. Maybe this is more than just a little personal for Chet.

Omaha. Somewhere in Middle America.

Three plump and fleshy-faced girls sit up against the glass of an oversized aquarium at the Shark Club. It's ladies night. The dj is pumping out Bon Jovi's "I'll Be There For You" and the three chemo-cherubic gals all mouth the words to themselves.

I am shuffling from 11 weeks straight and most of the year in total on the road. And as much as tonight I say I hate the business, a hard reality hits when I realize that without comedy, women like this who I now sit and silently mock wouldn't even have me to wipe shit from their shoes.

Evil pimp, aren't you, comedy?

Brendon Walsh


Brendon Walsh [ ] found this out the hard and fun way in South Dakota at a dance club similar to this. He's doing his patented dance - high kicks with a clap under the raised leg and then a turning salute - kick, clap, kick, clap, salute to the left, salute to the right - and then he returns to the bar. As you can imagine, people in dance clubs don't find this amusing nor did the girl next to him at the bar. A slow song now starts and Brendon - fresh from his kick and salute number - turns to her and jokingly says "Oh, a slow song! Do you wanna dance?"

"I wouldn't dance with you if you paid me, you ugly fuck."


This is why I never go to dance clubs. This is why I didn't enjoy doing Girls Gone Wild. Always the same useless fucks who employ hair gel and hip-hugging jeans as prosthesis for personality and relentless top-volume music to cover up for the obvious lack of anything interesting to say.

Walsh is a goof and South Dakota dance clubs don't cater to goofy. He says one thing and gets told he's an ugly fuck by someone who probably wistfully mouths the words to Bon Jovi songs.

Walsh is also drunk and after a stunned beat he throws his drink in her cunt face.

Real American Hero.

The comedy club staff is there to make sure he gets out alive and quickly an army gathers fast to defend her honor and later impregnate her. "Don't bow up on me, you fucking hayseed" he tells one as he's pulled out the door, knowing he'd get killed otherwise. You won't see that shit on 'The Comedians of Comedy'.

I love to hate these gigs, this woeful, flappy mid-section of the country. Their only source of pride comes from pegging another nearby locality as something worse and hoping you make fun of it. In Omaha, a rumpled beast of a woman at my shoe, stage-right, interrupts my bashing of the city and tries to steer my jokes to the "real" shithole - Council Bluffs.

Council Bluffs - "Counciltucky" they call it and the joke never gets old - is right across the Missouri River in Iowa and that's where the "real" podunks stay.

She scoffs when I break the news that it's all exactly the same shithole. I explain to her that if she had a baby and it's mutant head tore out of her, shredding her perineum and leaving her with one gaping, septic hole, that she could draw an imaginary line across the middle and tell me one part is her snatch and the other her asshole but to be inside, no one would be able to tell the difference.

By chance, I end up staying nights off in Counciltucky the next week and the only difference I could see was the future of Omaha and of the dance club girls with the pork-meat countenance.

In Omaha, my crowd was in their 20's and 30's. In Council Bluffs, I am at the riverboat casino and the people range from 50 to so explodingly fat as to make species more the question than age. I do not call someone fat to insult them. Fat is a description, not an epithet. The people in this casino were unquestionably the most obscenely obese gigantasaurs ever to stampede me.

Lumbering cows, backs arched as if they could balance 330 pounds of gutmeat with mere shoulder blades. This is nearly everbody and the place ain't empty. The buffet had a sign that people were limited to a two hour stay and that people who stayed from one meal into the next would be charged in full for both.

They were forced to put a sign up.

I wanted to ask someone if this had been an actual problem - lard-hoarders squatting and homesteading their double-wide booths until the hash browns get switched out for gravy and mashed - but I could never find an employee alone without a fat person within earshot. Seven hours on 'Let It Ride' without at least one carnival buffalo bellyed up to the table and still out of arms reach. How a pit boss could be surrounded daily by these voluminous garbage lockers and still - with a straight face - put seven chairs at one table - is preposterous.


I am in no way making fun of people with weight problems.

Mind you, I don't think myself in any way as attractively fit nor do I doubt that I could fit into the same cud field with these same plus-size mammels were it not for my diet of cigarettes and caffiene as a base for evening alcohol. I am likely even less healthy than many of these pigs. If you were to hold my ass in your hand while blindfolded, you'd wonder how many children this poor, hairy woman had birthed back in her youth.

I only wonder why people crave things that will kill us. Why do we not instinctually stay away from fried foods, have a genetic predisposition for water over Coke, find states of rest more enticing than running like dogs. Not to mention inhaling smoke or putting needles in your arms. Why does raw broccoli never, under any circumstances, seem appealing when everything we are warned against is like a buglight? No other species seems to be intrinsically suicidal.

No other species seems so deservant.

The reason I've been able to work so many non-comedy club venues and have so much fun is because a lot of you have emailed and had a place to do a gig. It's been that easy.

"Hey Doug - I have a bar in Carbunkle, Wyoming. Do you wanna do a gig here?"

And when I can route it in, I do. These gigs have been more fun than most of the shit I've done in the last ten years. Thanks and keep em